Orange selenite, a type of gypsum stone, possesses remarkable healing properties and benefits that make it a valuable crystal for various purposes. This crystal is composed of hematite and quartz, which add to its unique composition. Associated with the sacral chakra, orange selenite is known for its ability to bring happiness and pleasure while repelling negative energy. However, regular cleansing is required to maintain its efficacy.

Grounding effects, improved digestion, nerve regulation, hormonal balance, and mental clarity are among the many benefits this crystal offers. It also facilitates connections with spirit guides and angels, purifies and balances energy, and fosters harmonious relationships. With a specific focus on the sacral chakra, orange selenite can restore joy and zest for life. Furthermore, it is reputed to alleviate kidney stones, gallstones, bloating, and enhance muscle flexibility.

The crystal is also believed to enhance memory, focus, and clarity, while providing protection and luck. By calming and soothing nerves, reducing anxiety, removing energy blocks, and activating positive energy, orange selenite elevates one’s well-being and liberates from negativity.

Our Highlighted Gems

  • Orange selenite is a type of gypsum stone associated with the sacral chakra.
  • It has healing properties for kidney stones, gallstones, bloating, and muscle flexibility.
  • Orange selenite brings happiness and pleasure while repelling negative energy.

– Regular cleansing is required to maintain its efficacy.

What is it?


Orange selenite is a crystal that is associated with the sacral chakra and is known for its grounding effects and ability to repel negative energy. It is believed to bring happiness and pleasure, fostering harmonious and loving relationships. Orange selenite is also known to have healing properties, benefiting various aspects of physical and mental well-being. It is said to help with digestion, nerves, hormones, and clarity of mind.

Additionally, orange selenite is believed to connect to spirit guides and angels, balancing and cleansing energy. This crystal is particularly beneficial for the sacral chakra, bringing back joy in life and clarifying the mind. It has been associated with decreasing electromagnetic energy fields, healing kidney stones, gallstones, bloating, and improving muscle flexibility. Orange selenite is also said to improve memory, focus, and clarity, while providing protection and luck.

Furthermore, it calms and soothes nerves, reduces anxiety, and removes energy blocks caused by stress and negativity. Activating positive energy, orange selenite lifts negative energy and brings joy and happiness, helping to manage negative energy and fostering freedom from its effects.

Associated Chakra


The sacral chakra is commonly associated with the gypsum stone that contains hematite and quartz. This chakra, also known as the second chakra or Svadhisthana, is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with creativity, passion, and sexuality.

Orange selenite, with its grounding effects, is believed to have a positive influence on the sacral chakra. Here are three ways in which orange selenite is associated with this chakra:

  1. Balances and cleanses energy: Orange selenite is said to help balance and cleanse the energy of the sacral chakra, promoting a sense of harmony and well-being.
  1. Brings back joy in life: This crystal is believed to foster joy and happiness, helping to restore a sense of passion and pleasure in life, which is closely connected to the sacral chakra.

3. Repels negative energy: Orange selenite is known for its ability to repel negative energy. By clearing away negativity, it allows the sacral chakra to function optimally, promoting emotional and physical well-being.

Healing Powers


One of the potential effects of orange selenite is its ability to alleviate symptoms associated with kidney stones, gallstones, bloating, and muscle flexibility. This healing crystal is believed to have properties that promote physical well-being. It is thought to aid in the dissolution of kidney stones and gallstones, providing relief from pain and discomfort. Additionally, orange selenite is said to have a positive impact on digestion, reducing bloating and improving overall gut health. It is also believed to enhance muscle flexibility, making it beneficial for those who engage in physical activities or suffer from muscle stiffness. While scientific evidence is lacking, many individuals believe in the healing powers of orange selenite and have reported positive experiences.

Healing Powers of Orange Selenite
Alleviates symptoms of kidney stones
Relieves symptoms of gallstones
Reduces bloating
Enhances muscle flexibility
Provides relief from pain and discomfort

This table highlights some of the potential healing powers associated with orange selenite, offering a visual representation of the crystal’s benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I cleanse my orange selenite crystal?

To cleanse an orange selenite crystal, you can use various methods such as smudging with sage, placing it under running water, burying it in the ground, or using sound vibrations. These methods help remove any negative energy and restore the crystal’s natural properties.

Can orange selenite help with fertility and reproductive health?

Orange selenite does not have specific healing properties or benefits related to fertility and reproductive health. While it is associated with the sacral chakra, it primarily aids in emotional balance, clarity of mind, and repelling negative energy.

Can orange selenite be used for protection against negative energies?

Orange selenite can be used for protection against negative energies. It repels negative energy, cleanses the sacral chakra, and removes energy blocks caused by stress and negativity. It activates positive energy and brings joy and happiness.

Is orange selenite suitable for children to use?

Orange selenite is generally considered safe for children to use, as it is believed to have calming and soothing effects on the nerves. However, it is always recommended to supervise and consult with a healthcare professional before introducing any new healing crystals to children.

Can orange selenite help with emotional healing and trauma?

Orange selenite can help with emotional healing and trauma. Its grounding effects and ability to repel negative energy make it useful in removing energy blocks caused by stress and negativity. It fosters harmonious relationships and brings joy and freedom from negative energy.

By Erica

Founder of, Erica is a seasoned Gemologist passionate about the transformative power of crystals. With deep expertise in spiritual healing and gemstone energies, she guides readers on harnessing gemstones for growth, protection, and balance.